Monday 23 May 2011

Blackberry Maps vs Google Maps

Blackberry Maps
- Includes Pinch to zoom
- Come Preloaded on every Blackberry Free
- Has a route planner for Car and walking journeys
- Able to view journeys on map or as a list view
- Does not have Turn By Turn Navigation
- There is no satellite view only a map view
- Uses Bing so results are not as accurate as you would like them to be
- Does not include Voice navigation

Google Maps
- Includes a satellite, terrain and map view
- You are able to see yourself moving on the map, this can be useful to see if you are going in the right direction (take note: this feature does use more battery)
- Includes a route planner for car, public transit and walking journeys
- Ability to see jouneys in map or list formats
- integrates with Google latitude, so you can stay up to date with your friends and Contacts
- Includes the ability for street view
- Does not include pinch to zoom
- Does not include Turn By Turn Navigation
- Does not include Voice Navigation
- Does not run as smooth as Blackberry Maps

Overall I prefer using Google Maps for its street view and satellite view functionality. The ability to see my self moving on the map is also an excellent and handy tool. If Google Maps is running slowly or not functioning as it should, Blackberry Maps is a good alternative.

You can download Google maps free here
You can download Blackberry Maps free here


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